Re: NTLK I need Help! (long)

Date: Thu Jun 08 2000 - 01:14:29 CDT


> (VI) A new pen (my pen was destroyed). I want the original collapsible
>for the MP130, but I now it's hard to find one.
>- (VI) A case to carry my MP. It can be Leather, or Nylon...
>- (VI) A Newton AC power adapter or a Battery pack... I spent a lot of
>money with alkalines.
>- A cable to use my Nokia phone (6120 series) with Motorolla Modem (Is
>this possible?)
>- A cable to use my MP130 with my Kodak printer. (It's a portable
>printer with the size of an A4 paper). It's Newton Print Pack, isn't
>- A newton keyboard.
You can find some maybe all of this items on ebay although some are a bit
expensive, you can use rechargeable AA batteries instead of the pack ...

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