Re: NTLK GPSMaps (was: Disney Maps??)

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Thu Jun 15 2000 - 10:40:49 CDT

Doug Fuss wrote:
> When are you planning to leave? If you'd like, I can make the map
> and send it to you before you leave.
That would be great! Its the July 9 when we'll leave.

> On the other hand if you had the PCMCIA GPS you could
> carry it around with you and never get lost!
I plan to put my existing PCBs of the Jupiter GPS into a rather slim
case and fit it just underneath the Newton. Even w/o GPS a digitized map
is very helpful with all of its features like NAV points and so on. And
as old boy-scout: nothing can go wrong ;-)

> Do
> you know where I can get a digital street map of
> Ireland with Lat and Long coordinates and scale that I
> could convert into a GPSMap?
My UKmap was made from a digitized map, called Helveticus. As this name
suggests: The main purpose of this CD is Switzerland maps and air
photographs as well as town maps. But my UKmap contains Eire too and the
program could create LAT/LON lines which made the map making sh??? easy.
Didn't I wrote you privately about it? The pkg is 5MB which prevents
that I e-mail it to anyone. You'll have to pick it up on a website or
ftp server. There's something in our company but at this moment it's not
settled up.


Regards / Viele Gruesse

Marco Mailand *************************************** NewtonTalk brought to you by:

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